Pokemon Gold for Nintendo Game Boy Color and Game Boy

Curiosity Video Games

Pokemon Gold for Nintendo Game Boy Color and Game Boy

Pokemon Gold for Nintendo Game Boy Color and Game Boy

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This game is sold as a collector piece. It has been tested and confirmed working, however due to this games age the internal battery may need to be replaced. Dead internal batteries are not covered by our warranty.

Pokémon Gold for Game Boy is an RPG released by Nintendo and Game Freak in 1999. It is the second generation of the Pokémon series and introduces 100 new Pokémon to the original 151. Set in the Johto region, players embark on a journey to become a Pokémon Master, catching and battling Pokémon, defeating Gym Leaders, and ultimately challenging the Elite Four. Pokémon Gold also introduced new gameplay mechanics, such as day-and-night cycles, Pokémon breeding, and specialized types like Steel and Dark.

Compatibility Note: Pokémon Gold is a dual-compatible game, meaning it can be played on both the original Game Boy and the Game Boy Color. When played on the Game Boy Color, it features enhanced color graphics, but it is fully functional on the original Game Boy in monochrome.

Key Features:

  • Expanded World: Pokémon Gold takes place in the Johto region but also allows players to return to the Kanto region, the setting of the original Pokémon Red/Blue, after completing the main storyline. This makes the game much larger than its predecessors, offering hours of additional content and exploration.

  • 100 New Pokémon: The game introduces 100 new species of Pokémon, bringing the total to 251. These new Pokémon feature new evolutionary lines, types, and moves that add depth and strategy to battles.

  • Day-and-Night Cycle: The in-game time is based on the real-world clock, with morning, day, and night cycles affecting which Pokémon appear. Some Pokémon can only be found at specific times of day, adding an extra layer of strategy to capturing them all.

  • Pokémon Breeding: Players can now breed Pokémon at the Daycare Center to create eggs that hatch into new Pokémon, sometimes with special moves inherited from their parents. This mechanic adds depth to team building and training.

  • New Types and Moves: The introduction of Steel-type and Dark-type Pokémon balances the type matchups from the previous generation and introduces new strategies in both battles and gym challenges. The game also features new moves and abilities to further enhance the battle system.

  • Pokémon Trading and Battling: Like the original games, players can trade and battle Pokémon with friends using the Game Link Cable. Trading between versions (with Pokémon Silver) is essential to completing the Pokédex and adds a social component to the experience.

  • Color Enhancement on Game Boy Color: When played on the Game Boy Color, Pokémon Gold features enhanced color graphics, bringing more vibrancy and detail to the game world. On the original Game Boy, the game is fully playable in monochrome.

  • PokeGear: Pokémon Gold introduces the PokeGear, a multifunctional device that includes a map, radio, phone, and time-tracking system. Players can use it to track in-game events, listen to different radio stations, or call other trainers for rematches.

  • Legendary Pokémon and Special Events: The game includes new Legendary Pokémon such as Ho-oh and Lugia, as well as special in-game events and hidden areas where players can encounter rare and powerful Pokémon.

Genre: Role-Playing Game (RPG)
Platform: Game Boy, Game Boy Color

Shopify Genre(s): RPG, Adventure

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